How to Play

During each turn you are given two clues that relate to a set of homonyms. Use these provided clues to deduce the homonyms that tie the clues together.

For example, the game may provide the words 'stream' and 'squeak' as clues. In this case the correct answers would be the homonyms 'creek' (another word for 'stream') and 'creak' (a synonym for 'squeak').

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If you're having trouble figuring out the homonyms, tap on the 'hint' buttons. The hint for 'stream' is 'small' and the hint for 'creak' is 'hinge'. So a small stream is a creek and a squeaky hinge creaks.

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Now, your two homonyms are 'creek' and 'creak'. Type them into the rectangles that say 'answer 1 & 2'. After you play a few rounds you'll get the hang of it. If you're still having problems, there's a button underneath the hints that will take you to a thesaurus. If you still can't come up with the homonyms, you can skip to the next set of clues, but those pesky clues will come up again before you finish the whole game of 220 sets of homonyms.

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Each game is comprised of 10 sets of homonyms and there are 22 games in all. Some of the homonym pairs are easy and they are worth 3 points if you can guess them without hints. You lose one point for each hint. Some harder homonyms are worth 6 points and each hint will cost you 2 points. The most difficult homonyms are worth 9 points. You can choose your level of difficulty at the beginning of each ten set game. Check the leader board to see how you measure up to the competition.

Invite your friends to play Homonymble. Homonymble is not a multi-player game yet. We will get there soon. Meanwhile, you can play with friends in person or through text or phone.